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Google Chrome Now Warns Users About Lookalike URLs

Google Chrome has always treated the safety of its users as a top priority. Recently the browser added a new warning. There are numerous impostor sites that use lookalike URLs in order to trick users. Google Chrome will now offer a warning for the visitors of such links.

While you might think those lookalike URLs can’t be that dangerous, but it is important to acknowledge that they used similar URLs on purpose. More than that, the sites also mimic the interface of the original ones. The URLs are almost identical, and there is usually one letter missing, replaced by a similar symbol. Those impostor sites also take advantage of possible typos. This is still considered an attack and it is known as a homograph attack.

The new Chrome feature

It is possible to enable the new feature manually as well. All you need to do is copy this and paste it into the Google Chrome address bar: chrome://flags/#enable-lookalike-url-navigation-suggestions.T

The new Chrome function offers “Navigation suggestions for lookalike URLs”. By turning it on you “Enable navigation suggestions for URLs that are visually similar to popular domains or to domains with a site engagement score. – Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS”. At the moment the feature is still being tested.

Stay safe from scammers

While this new feature should reduce the number of homograph attacks, it is important to pay attention to the sites you access as well. The sites will try to scam you by obtaining user information or personal data.

Therefore, it is very important to be careful when it comes to accessing sites that require sensitive data. You need to check the URL in order to make sure that you visited the correct site. Some sites, such as PayPal have already registered similar URLs and they will redirect you. However, this is not something that all sites have done.


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