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WhatsApp 2.19.16 Beta Update is Now Rolling Out with Security Fixes and New Features

One of the best decisions that WhatsApp users can make is to enroll in the beta program. WhatsApp has an immense user base of more than one billion active users per month which means that the developers can’t take any chances when it comes to bugs and security breaches. Therefore, WhatsApp is updated on daily basis with software improvements and beta users are always the first ones to get their hands on all the latest WhatsApp updates.

Now that we have presented how important it is to be enrolled in the beta program, we also need to go over the downsides. The only problems that WhatsApp users who decide to enroll in the beta will have to deal with are bugs and glitches. Luckily, this happens quite rare since WhatsApp is a premium app and it benefits from a large team of developers.

WhatsApp 2.19.16 Beta Update

As we have mentioned in the beginning, WhatsApp is updated every day with beta releases. Therefore, no one should be shocked to find out that a brand-new update which sports the 2.19.16 beta version number has started rolling out today. With that said, WhatsApp beta users should make sure to keep their smartphones connected to a stable Wi-Fi network in order to download the new update as soon as it pops up in their notification panels.

What’s New?

WhatsApp fans should be pleased to find out that the new update introduces a security fix that takes care of major issues which made it possible for hackers to access the private data of WhatsApp users. Therefore, WhatsApp users who install the new update will not have to worry about their private conversations and media files being shared. In addition, the new update also comes with a cool feature that is going to make voice messages automatically play in sequence.

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