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Project Treble Leads To An Early Android Q Release

Project Treble is a project that was announced by Google back in 2017. This project was created because of the way Android updates reach users. Many have complained that the speed is extremely slow, and in some cases it takes more than a year to receive an update.

Project Treble aims to solve this problem. Basically, it rearchitects the framework of Android in an attempt to separate the hardware vendor implementation from the code. This has already solved numerous problems and it appears that Project Treble was the one that helped developers release Android P Beta earlier.

Android Q

Project Treble could help us get another Android version early as well. An XDA report Google stressed the importance of GSI in Project Treble.  Generic System Image represents a pure build of Android. The GSI is sourced from the AOSP (the Android Open Source Project).

GSI has no customizations. According to the Treble compliance, devices should be able to boot a GSI on top of the vendor customized Android. Testers and app developers use GSIs the most and there is a community build for GSI discussions.

“An important first step toward that goal is to make GSI available in AOSP. So, for this, we have published pie-gsi in AOSP*. So now you can download and build pie-gsi today.

We are also exploring ways to make future GSI available earlier than the release of next Android version. So you will be able to try out next Android version earlier over GSI. And at the same time we can also get early feedback from you, so the benefit is mutual. So please stay tuned for our further announcement on this,” explained Hung-Ying Tyan from Project Treble.

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