If you love using WhatsApp in order to keep in touch with your friends and family members, then you have arrived at the right place. Today we are going to show everyone a couple of fun WhatsApp tips and tricks that make it easier for users to personalize their messages. Not just that, but the tips and tricks that we are going to present will transform all regular WhatsApp users into power users.
How to Quote Messages
Sometimes you might want to share something that a friend told you with another friend and the best way to do this is to quote the direct message. The only thing that WhatsApp users need to do in order to quote messages is to hold down on the message, tap the arrow icon (it points to the left) and then just share the message in quotation marks.
How to Personalize Messages
Many WhatsApp users don’t know this, but there are a couple of ways to personalize messages. This can be done by placing an asterisk (*) at the begging or the end of a word in order to make it appear in bold. Also, users can place an underscore (_) and the word will appear in italics. The last trick for personalizing messages is to add a tilde (~) to a word in order to strike through text.
How to Add a Contact to the Home Screen
If you have a favorite contact you talk to on a regular basis, then you might want to create a shortcut for it on the home screen to make it easier accessible. This can be done by opening the contact, tapping the three-dot menu and then following the next steps: Access More – Add Shortcut. All that’s left is to tap on the “add” option in order to confirm the action.
Ernestina Saenz Salcido is a reporter for News Lair. She mostly writes on her free time about gadgets and tech news. When she’s not working she takes care of her 2 daughters.