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Fallout 76 To Receive Significant Improvements And A New Battle Royale Mode

During the E3 2019, during Bethesda panel, the tension was floating in the air. The company has received a lot of criticism from fans about the latest Fallout 76. Even if the company had said that the criticism is righteous, and they thanked the fans and added that Fallout 76 would receive some significant improvements, including a Fallout 76 Battle Royale mode.

Bethesda works on considerably improving Fallout 76

First of all, the updates for Fallout 76 were like emergency triage, even if the developers have been trying to improve the wasteland’s dire state of the game. But from now on, Bethesda will start to focus on the game and to give real improvements. The game has received more quests, a hardcore survival mode, and beefier dungeons.

Second of all, the players have received the ability to open their own stores, and that helped the wasteland. Unfortunately, the additions weren’t perfect, but Bethesda has tried to experiment with the game. For example, in one update, the game presented an unmarked quest that sends you to open Vault 51, which was a bunker full of people.

Fallout 76 Battle Royale mode is Bethesda’s bet to attract more players

However, the teaser for Fallout 76 is the big update named Wastelanders. Also, Fallout 76 is receiving the NPC with dialogue, even if there are hardcore fans of the game that like the game without characters penned by the company. The reason why Fallout 76 wasn’t having an NPC was that the company wanted to set the game apart from the other Fallout series.

Finally, another significant addition to Fallout 76 will be a new Battle Royale mode. Even if the feature wasn’t asked for, maybe the Battle Royale will attract more players to Fallout 76. As we know, the combat player versus player is imbalanced because of the weapons and items. The new additions will be released at the same time as a free trial in Fallout 76.

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