World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth is the most recent expansion for the iconic MMO, WoW. The title’s seventh expansion pack was rolled out in August 2018, and from the beginning, fans were not so happy with the content. However, the developers have been creating a new patch that looks more like a mini-expansion, and the release date has finally been announced. World of Warcraft: Rise of Azshara Patch 8.2 would come out later this month.
Blizzard will launch the next significant update, World of Warcraft: Rise of Azshara Patch 8.2, on Tuesday, June 25th. The new expansion, which has the name of Rise of Azshara, as mentioned above, is a massive launch by WoW’s standards, containing two new zones, a new raid, an enormous dungeon, a revamp of the Azerite system, and much more.
What’s new in World of Warcraft: Rise of Azshara Patch 8.2?
Rise of Azshara Patch 8.2 will bring Queen Azshara, one of the greatest villains left in the World of Warcraft. We’ve peaked at her in the past, and the Naga have been an impendence even since the game’s release. Players are assaulting their kingdom, attacking her, and finding out information on her partnership with the Old God N’Zoth. Another vast gnome-themed zone is Mechagon, providing numerous random challenges and sandbox elements for gamers to look into and defeat.
Rise of Azshara is a fascinating patch because it is seen as a Hail Mary for a hard expansion. Gamers have encountered issues with several aspects of Battle for Azeroth, starting with Warfronts and ending to Azerite system and the overall lore.
This new content update is close to an expansion release in reach, and it plans to meet the core problems players encountered. Rise of Azshara will be in direct competition with the new expansion Shadowbreakers for opponent Final Fantasy 14, and also with its own creation, World of Warcraft Classic, which is at the moment available in beta version. World of Warcraft: Rise of Azshara Patch 8.2 will be released on June 25th, with raid Azshara’s Eternal Palace opening gradually after the patch’s release.
Daniel Kiss is the senior editor for News Lair. Daniel was working as a writer since he finished high-school, first for local papers then he started online, nowadays he likes to write about the latest games and tech innovations.