Skype’s name gained weight when the age of technology started to push people towards long-distance communication methods that don’t necessarily require a paid subscription. We use it daily to converse with colleagues, friends, family, and the experience is so smooth and entertaining that we can’t stop using it. The subject we are about to discuss is “How to change the Skype username.”This can be done through the PC application, on your mobile smartphone, and the web page.
The PC Method
- Mac users rest assured you will be able to do the same with your devices, you will only require to have you desktop application installed. The steps to follow for you to change your username for Skype are:
- Execute your Skype application
- Access your Skype profile or click on your username (displayed in the to=left corner).
- Find the option named as “Manage,” and then click on “Skype profile.”
- Your username will be displayed with a profile picture beside it with a pencil icon on the right side (click on the pencil icon).
- Enter your new username and save your progress for it to be displayed as you wanted it.
The Mobile Phone Method
- The mobile users will have to follow these steps listed below to change their usernames:
- Open up your Skype Application
- Tap on your Profile Picture positioned in the middle of your screen
- Access the “Skype Profile” option in the manage section
- See a pencil to the right of your username and tap on it
- Enter your new username and save your progress.
The Web Page Method
This method will share similarities with the PC method but will have some differences:
- Sign in to your Skype account on the Skype web page
- See your name on the top right area of the screen and hover mouse point on it, accessing a drop-down menu
- Click on “My Account” from the drop-down
- Scroll through “My Account” section and look for the Contact details
- Click on “Edit Profile”
- On the right side, click on the option named “Edit Profile,” positioned to the right of the option “Change Password.”
- Edit the textbox that says “Name” with your new username and click on the “save” button on the right side
- Click OK so your changes will take place.
Ernestina Saenz Salcido is a reporter for News Lair. She mostly writes on her free time about gadgets and tech news. When she’s not working she takes care of her 2 daughters.