Need help deciding which expansion packs to buy for The Sims 4 to take your game beyond the basics? To aid you, we are here.
More than fifty packs, spanning four pricing ranges, have been produced since the game’s introduction in 2014. What we can do is offer you our opinion on which ones are worth looking into further.
- The Sims 4: Discover University
Unsurprisingly, this DLC adds a focus on student life to the game, and it does it in a satisfactory way. There’s a lot to like here, from the increased focus on time management as your Sim attempts to balance studying with maintaining a social life, to the fact that goals like completing coursework and passing exams actually feel somewhat meaningful because they count towards the end goal of earning a degree.
The variety of fashionable, up-to-date apparel is another selling point. It’s a bad the world itself is so bland, especially in light of the richly textured settings seen in previous expansions.
- The Sims 4: Cottage Living
If you find farming and cottage culture attractive, you may want to check out the extra pack Cottage Living. It adds a new twist to the gameplay by allowing Sims to grow farm animals like cows and chickens. In combination with the optional challenge of actually having the supplies on hand to make a dinner, it’s rather rewarding.
The Sims 4: Island Living
Sulani, a Polynesian-themed environment with its own unique play style, is a top contender for best in game. Island living gives a more calm and easygoing mood that encourages you to absorb in your surroundings, in contrast to the micromanagement that might characterize suburban life.
From the beaches and waterfalls to the local customs and celebrations, everything about Sulani seems authentic. The only real flaw is that the mermaids’ lifestyle doesn’t seem to have much of an effect beyond the first shock.
- The Sims 4: Seasons
Essential. This is the only expansion we would consider essential for all players, since the usefulness of the others depends to some extent on whether or not you like the idea and how it fits into your playstyle. Seasons adds so much depth to the gameplay that we can’t see ever going back to the game without it. The inclusion of the four seasons (complete with weather, temperatures, and seasonal events) to The Sims 4 is a major step forward in terms of immersion and realism, thanks to the game’s calendar function. Sims need warm and cool weather clothing to survive heat waves and cold snaps, respectively, and to enjoy the many holidays throughout the year.
The gardening occupation is an added perk since Sims may tend to their plants at home throughout the year. Only this particular enlargement, of all others available, should be acquired.
- The Sims 4: Cats & Dogs
Others may want to go elsewhere, but for those who have a soft spot for felines and canines, this is a must-have extension. The add-on does what it says it would do: it allows you to personalize feline and canine companions for your home in every way, from their breed (of which there is a huge selection) to their personalities and accessories.
The variety of ways Sims may connect with their pets contributes to the cuteness of the game’s canine and feline companions. However, being a pet owner is by far the most appealing aspect of this bundle, which also includes the Brindleton Bay setting and the chance to manage a veterinarian clinic.
- The Sims 4: City Living
The urban world of San Myshuno is City Living’s big attraction. This development is ideal if you prefer city life (with its cultural events and karaoke bars) over suburban living.
The inclusion of a wider variety of cuisine that can be purchased from vendors or prepared at home is an often-overlooked aspect of the expansion pack; it even allows Sims to eat certain meals with chopsticks.
Ernestina Saenz Salcido is a reporter for News Lair. She mostly writes on her free time about gadgets and tech news. When she’s not working she takes care of her 2 daughters.