Opera Mini browser is updated constantly so that users can get the best performance possible at all times. Right now a new version is available, version number 38.0.2254.134058. The update comes with several improvements and bug fixes and that is why it is important to get it right away.
What does this version bring?
Opera Mini browser beta 38.0.2254.134058 brings several improvements for the reader mode logic, as well as for the memory usage. There are also multiple fixes for performance and stability, which should make your browser work more smoothly. This version also improves video handling on old Android versions and it has some enhancements for the address bar.
The Opera Mini
The Opera Mini browser is a great choice for Android users and it works on both tablets and phones. It is available for Android 2.3 and up, which means that everyone should use it. At the moment this is a beta, which means that the developers are still testing it and looking for ways to improve it.
The Opera Mini beta claims to be the fastest browser for Android. If you want to try it out, you should know that it is available for free. One possible disadvantage is the fact that Opera Mini might show Facebook ads.
Opera Mini also has a native ad blocker, which means that the websites you will visit won’t display ads. Content is also compressed before it reaches you, which means that the browsing speeds are better. This also helps you reduce the amount of cellular data that you consume.
The browser is great for Facebook users because it has its own Facebook notification bar which shows up in the notification drawer. The bar will keep you up to date with the latest Facebook news.
Daniel Kiss is the senior editor for News Lair. Daniel was working as a writer since he finished high-school, first for local papers then he started online, nowadays he likes to write about the latest games and tech innovations.