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Here’s The Reason Why Classics Like Pokemon Are So Important For Nintendo

Pokemon games were incredibly popular while we were children, and this is something that hasn’t changed during the years. While games did evolve a lot in time, Pokemon still have a loyal fanbase. This might be one of the reasons why Nintendo continues to “exploit” them.

Recently, the company made an announcement that let us know about the launch of two new Pokemon games for the Switch console. Pokemon Shield and Pokemon Sword should soon become available on Switch.

The Pokemon brand

Pokemon sells well, and by releasing two Pokemon games on Switch, Nintendo is trying to increase profits for the gaming device. Switch was released two years ago, but the sales went down in time. Michael Patcher is a financial analyst, and she shared some of his thoughts with us.

“The thing that’s impressive about Switch is that in the first two years, they have four of their biggest brands available on it,” he said. “Nintendo is like the Disney of games. It’s like bringing out a new Marvel or Star Wars movie — it’s guaranteed to do well because people love the brand.”

Pokemon games take us back to out childhood, and nostalgia is one of the factors while we still love them. Meanwhile, the new generation had Pokemon GO, which made Pokemon just as popular. Therefore, when it comes to Nintendo, “Pokemon is absolutely their sweet spot,” Pachter said. “They’ll sell 12 to 20 million [games]. It’s something that Pokédads will buy because they remember and love the Pokémon brand.”

In fact, Shuntaro Furukawa, the Nintendo President, did mention in the past that the company will focus on successful franchises in order to “enhance the allure” of the Switch. Pokemon is one of those franchises, as well as the Mario and Legend of Zelda series.

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