The way PUBG maps are organized is a fundamental part of the game. Developers have decided that the maps need some improvements, and it appears that some makeovers are on their way.
In fact, Reddit users have already noticed that the Erangel maps have received some changes. Files from the PUBG test servers were datamined and we were able to see the new compounds, as well as the tweaks added to the terrain.
Loot balance
PUBG Corp decided to improve the maps so that loot is distributed equally. They also added that they are trying to find “new ways to balance loot and otherwise improve our maps, Erangel being the first”.
Loot balance is very important in a game, and there were certain PUBG locations which attracted more players than others because they had a lot of loot. As a consequence of that, players were slaughtering each other in crowded places at the beginning of the game. PUBG Corp explained that they want to make sure that the layout of the maps is also preserved.
We understand that loot balance is a very important part of the game but also recognize that the map layout is just as important, so we’re working hard to ensure that any changes made to either will feel good when completed. We plan to start testing several potential changes to Erangel soon, and will share our plans for these tests in the coming weeks.
When it comes to the information that has been leaked, PUBG Corp did not confirm it. When it comes to the added compounds, here’s what the team had to say: “The addition of compounds is just one thing we’re testing internally, but is certainly not the ONLY way.” We can only wait to see what’s next.
Nora Reynolds is a major in biology and a minor in Biological Basis of Behavior, writing about science in general. She also likes to try new gadgets and sports about the AI new era.