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Pokemon Go: How to Speed Field Research Missions

Field research is one of the most useful features in Pokemon Go and it makes it possible for players to finish common tasks in exchange for rewards such as powerful items, experience points and even encounters in some cases. On the downside of things, field research missions take lots of time and it can get quite boring to have nothing else to do other than to wait for the field research missions to finish. Luckily, there are a couple of ways to speed up the process and today we are going to present the top three ones.

How to Speed Field Research Missions

The first thing that Pokemon Go players want to do when it comes to increasing the speed of field research missions is to delete all tasks that are too hard to complete. Let’s say for example that you just received a new Raid task and the Raids have ended for that day, then there is no reason to keep that research mission anymore and players are advised to delete it and to move on to easier ones instead.

The best thing that Pokemon Go players need to do when it comes to getting as many rewards from field research missions as possible is to always start tasks that are similar at the same time. This tip is great for scenarios where players have identical missions.

The last tip that we have for Pokemon Go players is that failing a task is okay. Even though some field research missions need players to get a win in order for them to receive rewards, this is not the case for all of them. Therefore, starting tasks that players might not win is always an option. In addition, starting tasks that players won’t win is a great way of clearing them up in order to make room for newer ones.

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