Nintendo has planned this year’s E3 with some games in mind, and the company will be focusing on them. The company also revealed some of the games that will be played on the show floor. The titles available for play at Nintendo booth at E3 2019 are Pokemon Sword and Shield, Luigi’s Mansion 3, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3, and The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening. Of course, besides those titles, other games will be presented on the show floor.
E3 2019 for Nintendo will begin on June 11th, and a lot of details will be presented. We think that maybe, there is a chance for the new Animal Crossing to make an appearance. We know the game was tentatively scheduled for 2019, but nothing is sure.
On the list of hope and dreams, we are adding Astral Chain, the fantasy-action game developed by Platinum Games, maybe Super Mario Maker 2 (which is scheduled to appear after a few weeks after the even). If the faith is on our side, perhaps Mario Kart Tour could be announced too.
Nintendo to focus on Pokemon Sword and Shield, Luigi’s Mansion 3, and Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening at E3 2019
Besides this, a lot of additional details will be given by Nintendo during Nintendo Direct presentation on Tuesday, and after that is continued with Nintendo Treehouse: Live. The main focus of the Treehouse: Live is on indie games, check that out on June 13th.
Apart from Nintendo Direct presentation and Nintendo Treehouse: Live, the company has activities such as Multiple Game Tournaments where teams from around the world can compete on Saturday, June 8th; Nintendo Early Access at Best Buy; Nintendo NY( you can visit the Nintendo NY store); Warp Pipe Pass, and Nintendo eShop Sale.
Finally, Nintendo is sustaining the idea that no matter where you live, all of the Nintendo activities are open and you can participate during the evens. If we made you curious, don’t forget to tune in for the hot information about Pokemon Sword and Shield, Luigi’s Mansion 3, and Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening at the E3 2019.
Daniel Kiss is the senior editor for News Lair. Daniel was working as a writer since he finished high-school, first for local papers then he started online, nowadays he likes to write about the latest games and tech innovations.