The Clash of Clans update expected this month will roll out soon, meaning that Sneak Peak has begun. Supercell’s first huge unveil regarded the Research Potion, with more information being commented upon in a blog post.
The Research Potion is an all-new Magic Item that accelerates ten times more the Lab research for a full hour. The item cost 20 League Medals at the League Shop, 10 League Medals for Training Potions and 30 League Medals for Builder Potions. These items can accomplish a similar buff that a Hammer can, and it is expected also to be acquired through regular challenges or Clan Games as well.
In addition, huge adjustments are being incorporated into the Magic Hammer after the June update rolls out. When the new optimization releases, a seven-day cooldown duration will exist on all Magic Hammer acquisitions. Players can still supply all types of Hammers now, but the cooldown basically restricts the quantity of resource-free upgrades that can happen during a week’s period.
There’s plenty about the Clash of Clans recipe that stays firmly in the pay-to-win list, but this new limit makes sure that the balance isn’t regularly interrupted by those who have the Gems to purchase numerous Hammers.
Having this in mind, the majority of these changes are quite understandable besides the almost unnoticed increase in price for Builder Potions.
Thus far, according to Billionaire365, the expected update for the Clash of Clans doesn’t seem to revamp the game in any significant ways, but there are plenty of exciting features incorporated in this first preliminary show off. The Research Potion appears like a useful item considering that it is available not only in the League Shop, but in other places as well, and the Magic Hammer adjustments are wisely incorporated.
The company’s next preliminary peak is anticipated to roll out on the morning of June the 6th.
Daniel Kiss is the senior editor for News Lair. Daniel was working as a writer since he finished high-school, first for local papers then he started online, nowadays he likes to write about the latest games and tech innovations.