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Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Announced Its First Community Day

With news and rumors coming out about Harry Potter: Wizard Unites, here comes a tweet from the team that developed the game. In that tweet, the team announced the first Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Community Day. They even told us the day, on July 20th, but no further details about it.

Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Is Already A Popular AR Game

Harry Potter: Wizards Unite launched on June 21st, and since then, the fans of the game have been fascinated about the unique mix of content and characters of the books and movies of Harry Potter. Niantic, when it announced the launch date, promised a whole new and different type of adventure in the magic world.

It’s clear we are drifting with having no details about Harry Potter’s Community Day, but if we take a look at Pokemon Go, we know that Niantic has held a lot of Community Days since the game launched about three years ago. So it’s possible that the hints are there for us to see.

Get ready for The First Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Community Day

Pokemon Go Community Days are made of a three-hour window for the players to find a special Pokemon in the wild. The Pokémon is not an ordinary one, as, with it, you can gain extra experience and some new moves if you catch them during this special event. Furthermore, you can find additional bonuses.

If Niantic follows the same path, it is possible for us to see a special Foundable and some extra experience for returning the Foundable to appear for a few hours on Community Day. Some fans of the game presume that Dark Detectors can get a kind of bonus during this special event. Note the date, July 20th, and stay tuned for what surprises will Harry Potter: Wizards Unite bring to you.

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