iOS and jailbreak might become similar in the minds of some people in the future. Jailbreak tools are available all over the internet, developed by those who spotted glitches in Apple’s operating system.
A lot of hackers and developers jailbreak their devices to add features not offered by the iPhone manufacturer. In the most recent development, as contrary to the online rumors circulating all over the place that iOS 13 will be un-jailbreakable, a developer has succeeded to jailbreak the latest iOS beta update.
Apple still has to release a steady version of iOS 13. This is the first-ever beta that has been jailbroken. A developer going by the Twitter name @iBSparkes has uploaded a photo of a jailbroken iOS 13 running on iPhone 8 and Cydia, a famous app store for jailbroken smartphones installed on it.
Even so, the developer that managed the jailbreak of iOS 13 has not made the jailbreak tool public but has suggested that the most recent iOS update is also vulnerable to jailbreaking, opposed to the popular belief. Jailbreaking an early iOS beta release is, however, not a significant achievement, because there is the possibility that Apple will fix the glitch by the time it rolls out the Golden Master iOS update.
In addition, this gives hopes to jailbreak fans who are expecting the release of the capacities of iOS by jailbreaking it and adding features and options that Apple doesn’t offer in its iPhones.
The first reference to a possible window to jailbreak has been hinted by Luca Todesco, a famous Italian security researcher. He confirmed that the new iOS 13 is jailbreakable, as he created a tpf0 exploit in the iOS 13. He proved that, in spite of Apple’s security actions, the chance of a break is again present.
Apple will probably launch the first stable version of its iOS 13 sometime in August or September.
Daniel Kiss is the senior editor for News Lair. Daniel was working as a writer since he finished high-school, first for local papers then he started online, nowadays he likes to write about the latest games and tech innovations.