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Sims 5 will Probably Not See a 2019 Release

Fans of the very popular game The Sims will probably not see the fifth installment of the franchise come in 2019. There are rumors flying around that the launch of Sims 5 will depend on Sims 4 and its success rate.

This could be interpreted as a decision that is purely based on business. Sims 4 is not done pumping out content yet. This means the devs need to wait to see how their expansions are being received so that they can delay the new game and make more profits.

Reduced content for Sims 4

This comes as somewhat disappointing news to fans but it is not unexpected. No news regarding Sims 5 was featured an E3 2019. Instead, the devs gave gamers information about a new summer expansion called Island Living.

This new DLC will feature lots of content, including the chance to play as a mermaid, dive in the ocean, and ride on boats. So it will probably keep players occupied for the next 3-6 months.

But the issue lies with the many promises EA had made concerning Sims content. Stating that players could access around two dozen content packs and expansions. Which is overselling the Island Living by a long shot.

Shaky ground for Sims 5

Sims 5 will not see guaranteed development as EA has a grand roster of games that are increasing in popularity. And fans of different company titles are pressing for new expansions and new games. Sims 5 will only see the light of day if Sims 4 gets a lot of users and a lot of money coming in.

Fans of the Sims series are quite involved and loyal. They are actually expecting the release of the 5th game. With more and more desire for the next game in the franchise to develop over Sims 3, where players could travel across the open world.

In Sims 5, players would like to see the pen world and transportation options. As well as building their construction projections from scratch. Fans can only wait and see if the game will materialize and if it will have the features they want.

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