This news may come as a disappointment for the fans of The Sims, but it is true: it is more likely for The Sims 5 not to release this year.
Electronic Arts Inc. has just revealed its E3 list of the games releasing in 2019, and the season five of The Sims is not on it. On that list, though, we can find The Sims 4: Island living expansion. At least we will have something to keep us busy until we hear some news about The Sims 5.
This newly released expansion of The Sims 4 comes with over 20 new features for the mobile versions, gaming consoles, and PCs. There is more content to reveal for season 4 of the game.
After the release of The Sims 4, the executive producer stated they are not even considering working on The Sims 5 until they see if The Sims 4 is a success for the company. Can you blame him? After all, the gaming industry is a business. If a game is good and produces revenue, it is the natural path for the developers to think and develop it. We will still have a lot to explore on The Sims 4, and the Sims fans appreciate the newest expansion. When the fans consume this expansion, the possibility for the developers to add new content for The Sims 4 is quite big, as they will want to make as much revenue as they can using the fourth season of the game. After that, maybe they will consider working and releasing The Sims 5.
The series of life simulation video game, The Sims, is top-rated all around the world, and the fans are always trying to anticipate how the next season will look. We know the fans are disappointed there are no words about the releasing of The Sims 5. The online gaming forums and blogs are full of comments of the fans asking for the next season to be made based on season 3, with its ‘Open World’ mode. Also, they are asking for improved ways of transportation and construction. It’s too late for the producers to introduce them in season 4, so the gamers will have to wait and see if those changes will appear into the season 5 of The Sims.
Ernestina Saenz Salcido is a reporter for News Lair. She mostly writes on her free time about gadgets and tech news. When she’s not working she takes care of her 2 daughters.