WhatsApp is the undisputed king of the messaging apps, with a solid user base of more than 1.5 billion people. The service is quite popular, and many praise it for its features. One of them is the ability to send messages almost instantly to another device and to get the response as fast as possible.
In some cases, users may want to answer a particular message without appearing online. There may be a variety of reasons for this, and they are not necessary. Your contact is waiting for an answer to a message sent several hours ago, but it’s not a great time for conversation. Read below if you wish to learn how to send read and reply too WhatsApp messages without appearing to be online.
WhatsApp Tips And Tricks – How To Answer Messages Without Appearing Online
Use the notification to reply
If your smartphone runs Android 7.0 or better, you can answer to the message by using the notification. Unlock the device and tap on the reply button featured on the notification. This will allow you to answer the message without appearing online.
Those who have an Android Wear smartwatch have the option to answer the message with the help of the device without appearing online, even if they open the conversation.
Use a nifty trick
Disable all the active internet connection (Wi-Fi and mobile data). Open the app and tap on the relevant conversation. Tap your answer and hit the send button. Close the app and reactivate the internet connection. The app will send your message instantly without appearing to be online.
Read a message without being seen
Unseen is a great app which allows users to read messages from a variety of platforms without leaving the dreaded seen mark. It can be great if you are in a hurry but wish to check your messages and see what is new. Every message notification is accompanied by an Unseen notification which allows you to read the messages without opening the main app.
Unseen works with WhatsApp, Telegram, and more.
Nora Reynolds is a major in biology and a minor in Biological Basis of Behavior, writing about science in general. She also likes to try new gadgets and sports about the AI new era.