Viber is a great VoIP app that makes it possible for everyone to communicate with their friends and family members wherever they might be, without charging a single dime. However, what truly makes Viber stand out is the fact that it offers end-to-end encryption. This means that every type of information or conversation that people share on Viber will always be secure and that there is no way for ‘bad actors’ to intercept the data.
Another great thing about Viber that makes it out when compared to similar chatting apps is the fact that Viber is updated on a weekly basis. A new update has just arrived and today we are going to cover everything there is to know about it.
Viber Update
The latest update for Viber sports the version number and it comes with a handful of bug fixes and software improvements. Not just that, but the new update also introduces the Burmese and Zawgyi languages in Unicode.
Viber Key Features
Fully Synced Desktop and Tablet Apps
Viber is fully synced to your computer and laptop. You can see all your messages and calls, and chat with them directly from your desktop or Android tablet.
Make Free Audio and Video Calls
Make crystal-clear audio and instant video calls to friends and family for free!
Make Low-cost Calls to Landlines with Viber Out
Call landlines, non-Viber users or anyone who doesn’t have an internet service or a mobile phone with Viber Out’s low-cost international calling service.
Send Free Messages
Staying in touch has never been easier. Send a free text message, share a photo, a sticker or GIF, a video or any other file.
Open a Group Chat
Catch up with friends, family and coworkers by opening a group chat for up to 250 members.
Ernestina Saenz Salcido is a reporter for News Lair. She mostly writes on her free time about gadgets and tech news. When she’s not working she takes care of her 2 daughters.