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There’s A New Loot Box System For Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4

Loot boxes are very important for any game, as they are the ones which generate most of the profit. That is the reason why the loot system must be carefully planned. It appears that Treyarch and Activision were not satisfied with the loot box system of Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, as they decided to change it.

Many players complained about the loot system, so this decision shouldn’t come as a surprise. At the moment the changes are only available for the PlayStation 4, but in the future the changes might reach the other platforms as well.

The changes

The new system isn’t as revolutionary as you might imagine, but it does try to improve the loot box process, which is something that we can appreciate. Basically, the new system allows you to earn reserve cases at every tier past tier 100.

For tiers past the 100 levels, Daily Tier Skips have been reinstated. Those who already leveled past tier 100 do not need to worry. The cases will be given to them retroactively. More than that, the rate in which you unlock Reserve Cases while playing the game has been unlocked.

However, as you can already notice, the changes only affect Reserve Cases. Meanwhile, the “Reserve Crate” system remains the same. There is quite a difference between Reserve Crates and Reserve Cases, as the first ones give you three items, while the other ones only offer you one.

This means that players still have to spend cash on the Reserve Crates which are premium. More than that, we already know that Treyarch developers weren’t the ones who decided to include loot crates in the game. Therefore, these minor changes show us that they weren’t allowed to modify the loot system more than they already did, which is something that does worry us.

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