Do You Need To Replace Your iPhone Battery? Do It Before The Year Is Over

Apple had to go through quite a scandal last year after it admitted that it made old iPhones run slowly. The company claimed that this was a method of preserving…

Most Creative Apps To Organize Your Apps

If you are anything like us, you probably spend a couple of hours on your phone every day. Therefore, why not clean up a bit and make your apps more…

Do You Own An iPhone 6S or Older? Here Is Why You Should Upgrade

Sadly, we live in a world where technology becomes obsolete quite fast. Since devices continue to evolve, it is necessary to upgrade from time to time in order to keep…

5G iPhone To Be Available by 2020

We thought this would never happen. You could say the same since it didn’t really sound like Apple would like to release an iPhone that comes with 5G support sometime…