Play These Party Games With Alexa and Google Assistant And Entertain Your Guests
Alexa and Google Assistant are slowly becoming a part of our lives. What you might not know yet is that they can be helping with your parties as well. If…

2019 Forecasts: PS4 and Xbox Sales, Next Generation Consoles And More
A new generation of video game consoles is on its way, and this means that there will be some changes to the market. The announcements for the next consoles will…

Kingdom Hearts 3: Here’s When The Game Will Be Released On Xbox One And PlayStation 4
The wait is almost over for Kingdom Hearts fans. The third game is almost here, and we couldn’t be more excited. The last game of the series was released more…

Sea of Thieves: Multiple Improvements Are On Their Way
Sea of Thieves was released back in March, and ever since it managed to grow quite nicely. It has received multiple updates that managed to enhance the game, and the…

There Is A Chromecast Bug Which Could Be Exploited By Hackers
A bug which is known as CastHack makes Chromecast vulnerable, and it appears that Google is not planning to do anything about it, despite the fact that it is aware…

Minecraft Pocket Edition: Find The Best Texture Packs For Your Game
Playing Minecraft allows you to be creative and exercise your imagination. The game lets you build the world of your dreams and you can customise it any way that you…