Xiaomi Redmi 6/6A and Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro Would Get Android 9 Pie Update By Mid-2019
Redmi 5 Plus and Redmi 5 from Xiaomi will not receive the Android 9 Pie. However, at least this major update will be introduced for the Xiomi Redmi 6/6A and…

Castle Clash: Heroes of the Empire 1.5.7 Update Brings New Heroes, Items and Pets
What’s great about Android-powered smartphones is the fact that users receive access to the Google Play Store which features millions of mobile games and useful apps. Talking about mobile games,…

How to Fix Battlefield Freezes
Sometimes players experience freezing for some seconds or more during Battlefield gameplay. If you are experiencing freezes during the gameplay, here are some ‘working’ solutions recommended for you. Solution 1:…

The Best Clash of Clans Tips and Tricks in 2019
If you love spending your free time playing Clash of Clans or if you are now first getting into the game, then you have arrived at the right place. Clash…

How to fix Boom Beach update error problem
There have been updates to the much-loved Boom Beach game from Supercell. However, some players have complained about having challenges updating to the most recent version of the game via…

How to fix battery drain problem on iOS
Several factors can be responsible for the battery drain problem on iOS. Find out if your battery drain problem is not associated with heavy usage of your device before trying…